Should You Put Your Home on the Market in Winter?

If you are a home seller, you may be wondering whether to put your home on the market  during the winter months or wait for spring 2021.  There are arguments for both sides, but the National Association of REALTORS® predicts that this “will be one of the best winter sales years ever.”

6900083.largeThere is currently a perfect storm of low mortgage interest rates, low housing inventory, and a pandemic that’s causing many homebuyers to work from home and virtually school their children. They’re rethinking how and where they want to live. Since most homebuyers purchase homes to secure more living space, that’s true now more than ever.

Buyers are looking for advantages because low inventories and rising prices favor sellers.  Many will look at homes in the winter because the interest rates on the 30-year fixed-rate are below three percent for those with good credit. There’s less competition from other buyers, which means they may actually win in a bidding war.

The inventory of homes is historically low and housing demand is likely to increase now that a COVID-19 vaccine is on the horizon.  Homebuyers should prepare for what could possibly be the most competitive spring homebuying season in years.